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New BHS guidelines on the management of DLBCL

Organised by the Belg J of Haematology (BJH)


19:00 - 19:05

Welcome and introduction by Chair & Moderator

Vibeke Vergote, UZ Leuven

19:05 - 19:20

1st line treatment strategies in DLBCL: what is new?

Jan Brijs, UZ Leuven

19:20 - 19:30

Patient case (& interactive questions)

Jan Brijs, UZ Leuven

19:30 - 19:45

How to treat in 2nd line: early relapse and late relapse?

Gilles Crochet,CHU-UCL Namur

19:45 - 19:55

Patient case (& interactive questions)

Gilles Crochet,CHU-UCL Namur

19:55 - 20:10

Update of treatment options in 3rd line & beyond

Vibeke Vergote, UZ Leuven

20:10 - 20:20

Patient case (& interactive questions)

Vibeke Vergote, UZ Leuven

20:20 - 20:30

Wrap up & Closure by Chair

Vibeke Vergote, UZ Leuven